1. Introduction
UMLi is a modelling language that extends UML providing
the following additional facilities for user interface design:
a new diagram for modelling UI presentations called a user
interface diagram.
Each user interface diagram is composed of one FreeContainer
that is a top-level "window";
FreeContainers may contain Containers ,
Inputters and ActionInvokers;
are responsible for sending visual information to users;
are responsible for receiving information from users;
are simultaneously Displayers and Inputters;
are responsible for receiving information from users in the form of events;
may contain other Containers, Editors, Displayers, Inputters and Action
The user interface diagram constructors are InteractionClasses
that are specialised UML Classes. The instances of these InteractiveClasses
are the interaction objects (or widgets).
The following figure presents a user interface diagram for
the ConnectUI where a user connect
to the system proving his/her login and password. Some definitions required
to understand this diagram and some modelling facilities required to build
this diagram are presented in this tutorial.
a new set of activity diagram constructors for modelling
UI behaviour:
new activity diagram PseudoStates for modelling common UI
behaviour called selection states;
new stereotypes for modelling object flows of UI objects.
These stereotypes identify the interaction object flows and they
are responsible for specifying the collaboration:
among interaction objects, and
between interaction objects and objects from the domain.
The following figure presents a partial view of the activity
diagram for the ConnectUI. Some
definitions required to understand this diagram and some modelling facilities
required to build this diagram are presented in this tutorial.
The following screen snapshots in this tutorial may clarify
the purpose of each one of these new constructors on the design of UIs.
These screen snapshots were produced using ARGOi, a design environment
that supports the construction of UMLi models. ARGOi is an
extended version of ArgoUML. ARGOi
is freely available here.
Being a conservative extension of UML, UMLi, in principle, could
be implemented in any UML-based design environment.
If you don't have experience with UML tools, we suggest
a visit to the ArgoUML site, and in particular to its tutorial, to learn
more about a standard UML-based design environment . From there, we suggest
a visit to the rest of this tutorial which is organised as follows.
Concerning the modelling of UI presentations:
Concerning the modelling of UI behaviour: